- Spinal cord injury
- Other spinal injuries (including fractures)
- Pressure sores
- Brain injury (acquired and traumatic)
- Associated orthopaedic injuries including lower limb amputation
- Associated bladder and bowel problems
- Associated high dependency/nursing needs (inc. tracheostomy and peg feeding)
- Associated mental health
Clinical Currency Statement
As at December 2023 , I am engaged in the role of Senior Case Manager for Complete Care Case Management Services for an average of 60 hours per month.
Specific Injuries Experience
Lucie is a skilled rehabilitation Case Manager who has considerable experience in working with adults who have suffered life-changing injuries, specialising in spinal cord injury (all levels), spinal injuries such as fractures, mild to severe brain injury (acquired or traumatic) and pressure sores. She has developed a great knowledge of the lifecycle of these injury types which enhances her ability to co-ordinate and manage an individual’s care, equipment, housing and social needs.
Lucie is proficient at managing the care and equipment needs of clients with orthopaedic injuries (including lower limb amputation) or mental health issues that were sustained as a result of the same accident or as a subsequent injury. Similarly, throughout her career, Lucie has delivered clinical nursing care to people with various long-term conditions and injuries. Her clinical skills and knowledge include tracheostomy care, catheter care, PEG feed, neurogenic bowel care, pressure area and wound care and she would be confident to comment on these conditions in association with a spinal, spinal cord or brain injury.
Employment Profile
With over 18 years of experience as a Registered General Nurse, Lucie has gained a broad range of knowledge from working in a variety of inpatient and community healthcare settings within the fields of rehabilitation and complex care. Lucie has had a successful career in case management since 2015, from carrying out the initial needs assessment and identifying significant care and equipment needs to facilitating and overseeing property adaptations as part of the clients’ overall packages of care.
With a focus on promoting an individual’s independence, Lucie supports her clients in identifying their short and long-term rehabilitation goals and formulates action plans around these. She is a confident communicator who regularly liaises with multi-disciplinary teams to ensure the client’s needs are fully met and to the best possible standard. Lucie is experienced in both pre-and post-settlement cases, working on a mix of joint and single-instruction gives her an insight into the personal injury litigation process.
Her experience as a former District Nurse and Continuing Healthcare Assessor is key to her proficiency in setting up and managing packages of care through agencies or directly recruited support staff. She is regularly involved in the induction, training and supervision of care staff. Lucie is familiar with funding sources for complex care, both private and statutory – this enables her to assess and provide evidence-based care packages tailored to the individual’s needs.
Qualifications and Membership
- BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing, Oxford Brookes University (2004)
- Level 3 in Education & Training (2021)
- Member of the Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC)
- Registered with the Royal College of Nursing (RCN)
- Member of Case Management Society UK (CMSUK)
- Member of the British Association of Brain Injury & Complex Case Management (BABICM)
Career History
Care Expert Witness
Jacqueline Webb & Co. Ltd
2021 to present
Director and Lead Case Manager
Key Case Management Ltd
2014 to present
Senior Case Manager
Complete Care Plus Services Ltd
2013 to 2014
District Nurse
Community Team, Blackpool
2011 to 2013
Care Home Deputy Manager
The Old Prebendal House, Oxfordshire
2010 to 2011
Healthcare Assistant during a short residency in Australia
2007 to 2010
Healthcare Manager/Nurse Assessor
NHS Continuing Healthcare, Oxford
2006 to 2007
Staff Nurse
Chipping Norton Community Hospital
2004 to 2006
Staff Nurse
The Nuffield Orthopaedic Hospital, Oxford